Monday, September 24, 2007

Problems at work

During the weekend I worked with upgrading our subversion server to a new version.
The new version is 1.4.5. It seems to work just fine, and our projects haven't reported any problems, so far.

I don't think there should be any problem but you never know, and when there are ca 500 developers, and just about 100 repos, It has to work.

The other thing I planned on doing during the weekend was to implement a new way to authenticate. Subversion has it's own way of authenticate users, but when you have 500 developers it takes alot of time, and they all need to remeber a second password for this.

Thats why I tested this with apache and ldap, and it seemed to work just fine in our testenvironment.
The modules seems to load just fine but, when i'm configuring a repository, the service will not start. There seem to be a problem with libapr.dll.
I can't find som much info on this and when I find it, there are no soloution.....

So right now i have to run some test and see what we will do.

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