Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Installing Webdav with IIS and SSL

A couple of weeks ago i got a question, that I had to think about for a few minutes.
We need a more secure way of transfering files between our customers and us?? FIX IT!!

That was a short summary of the conversation.

I know that the ftp protocol sucks and with sftp with ISA Server isn't going so well.

So I thought of webdav with SSL, and then they could also do some other stuff, not only transfer files.

So i started to install IIS on my Windows 2003 computer. Webdav should follow the default installation of IIS.
Enter the IIS and request a new certificate for the website you're going to use.

Then you neew to sign the new certificate, for yourself or send it to a CA.

Here is a guide on how you do it yourself with openSSL. OpenSSL works on both linux and Windows. http://eal.us/blog/_archives/2003/6/2/25109.html
You can also install the IIS resource kit and make one with selfssl.

When you have signed the certificate it time to install it, and you do that the same way you did when you requested a new certificate, almost....

Then its time to create a new virtual directory. Just follow the wizard when doing this.
Be sure that you have access to write to that directory you are using as a webdav folder.

If your users must authenticate, you can choose domain in the authentication method.

Now you have a webdav folder with ssl.

If you have a firewall, you probobly know what to do next, allow ssl traffic to the server

Sorry for the not so detailed description

Hope it works for you....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article, it got me started with webdav which is a better option than ftp


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